Hiking backpack refers to the backpack of outdoor enthusiasts, is an important equipment to carry a variety of travel items, is essential to travel. We can list hiking backpack, clothing, food, hiking backpack shoes and sleeping bag as the five essential elements of wilderness travel. A good backpack is a good partner, and travelers attach great importance to and cherish their hiking backpacks. In addition to mountaineering, mountaineering backpacks are also widely used in other adventure sports (such as rafting, crossing deserts, etc.) and long-distance travel.
The main features of an outdoor hiking bag include high stability, large capacity, good comfort and durability . These features enable the hiking bag to play an important role in complex outdoor environments.
1. High stability : The stability of the outdoor hiking bag is one of the most important characteristics. Due to the rugged hiking path, the lack of stability of the backpack can lead to injury. Therefore, hiking bags are usually made of high-strength materials and good structural design to ensure that they remain stable during travel and will not shake .
2. Large capacity : hiking bags need to hold all kinds of equipment and supplies needed by climbers, such as food, water, communication equipment, sleeping bags, matches, knives and so on. Our hiking bags have a capacity of 60L to meet the needs of long hikes and backcountry camping .
3. Comfort : the comfort of the hiking bag is also very important, poor backpack design will affect the physical strength and endurance of climbers. Our mountaineers contain an internal frame, ergonomic, to help ease the load carried, and have a breathable and cushioned design .
4. Durability : Due to the complexity of the outdoor environment, the hiking bag is made of wear-resistant, waterproof, tear and compression resistant materials. The interior structure and details have also been carefully considered to adapt to various outdoor environments .
1. 1 x Hiking Backpack
2. 1 x Rain Cover